Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment

When most people think of trauma and PTSD, they think of it as being something that only happens to veterans who have been in combat. Or they may think of someone that has experienced a physical or sexual assault. In reality, though, trauma can be anything that disturbs your well-being and sense of safety. In fact, trauma can come up in many ways.

It can come from seeing or being in a car crash and experiencing a bad break-up or unhealthy relationship. Or it can come about from not getting the love and attention you needed as a child. Even being manipulated in a romantic relationship, being bullied or made fun of, or grieving the loss of a family member, friend, or pet can be traumatic. Trauma can even come from seeing or hearing about something disturbing or frightening, even if it didn't happen to you directly. For example, seeing someone else get hurt or watching an upsetting story on the news.

Trauma symptoms can look like

Image of a young woman sitting with her hands to her chin and looking down. This image represents what someone experiencing trauma symptoms may look like. But, a trauma therapist in Asheville, NC can help you recover from trauma and PTSD during PTSD…
  • Believing that you aren’t good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, attractive enough

  • Always putting the needs of other people ahead of your own

  • Difficulty trusting other people

  • Believing you have to “earn” or go above and beyond to be worthy of basic human needs in your relationships. These needs may be love, safety, commitment, or honesty

  • Experiencing nightmares or other sleep difficulties

  • Having flashbacks (feeling like the event is happening all over again)

  • Feeling afraid of people, places, or things that remind you of the event

  • Being on edge or on high alert frequently

  • Anger and irritability

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Struggling to connect with important people in your life

  • ... and many more.

Image of three women holding each other in an embrace. Working through trauma therapy in Asheville, NC can be difficult. But a skilled trauma therapist in Asheville, NC can help you process PTSD while feeling supported. | 28803 | 28804

How will Trauma Therapy and PTSD treatment help?

At our Asheville, NC-based counseling practice, you'll learn about how your trauma has impacted your life, as well as your body and your brain. You'll get help figuring out the ways in which your unique trauma has affected your self-esteem, your relationships, your work, and more. Then, you will learn how to cope with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that come up and get your brain and your body back in sync with each other. Most importantly, you will learn ways to feel safe, confident, and hopeful again.

How exactly will we address my trauma in Counseling sessions?

Chandler Nobles is a skilled trauma therapist, trained in several different approaches to treat trauma. She will work with you to come up with the approach that best fits you. The therapy approach Chandler uses most frequently to treat trauma is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR). EMDR therapy is thorough and effective. And while it is not a quick solution by any means, it has been shown to help people feel better more quickly than other traditional forms of talk therapy. Plus, the results last because you are changing your thoughts, feelings, and associations at a neurological level.

Image of a wooden path through a forest of trees. This image illustrates what going through trauma therapy with a PTSD therapist in Asheville, NC could be like. PTSD treatment in difficult, but well worth the journey. | 28732 | 28704

Start healing with trauma therapy and PTSD treatment in Asheville, NC

Unpredictable and upsetting events are going to happen to everyone at some point in their lives. But, you don't have to suffer any longer. Healing is possible. And having freedom from the pain of your trauma is possible. Schedule an appointment with Chandler to get started with trauma therapy today.

Other Services at Chandler Nobles Counseling in Asheville, NC

Chandler specializes in helping women and young adults heal from trauma and find connectedness in their lives again. Online therapy in North Carolina allows her to meet with clients anywhere in the state while remaining close to home at her Asheville, NC-based counseling practice. Along with trauma therapy and PTSD treatment and EMDR, Chandler provides compassion fatigue treatment for those in helping professions. And, she offers anxiety and depression treatment, too.

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC. Providing online therapy in North Carolina during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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