Anxiety Treatment

Image of a nurse sitting down and holding her head to her hands. This image represents how someone experiencing anxiety may look before starting anxiety treatment in Asheville, NC. Working with an anxiety therapist can help you overcome chronic stre…

A certain level of stress and worry is normal. After all, you have a lot to think about: school, work, relationships, kids, pets, yourself, etc. In fact, mild amounts of stress can actually be helpful! This is the type of stress that helps you stick to deadlines for work or school, helps you finish your chores and errands on time, and assists you in “putting your best foot forward.”

However, stress is a double-edged sword. Even normal stress can turn into anxiety, which can become so problematic that it starts taking a negative toll on your daily life. Maybe it becomes almost impossible to make even small decisions, and you start to second-guess things you have done and said. The negative thoughts become so constant that you find yourself having difficulty sleeping, working, and doing things you used to really enjoy. There may be frequent worry about how others are thinking or feeling about you, worry about how you look or act, and worry about your future. The list goes on… and on… and on. You feel out of control of your mind, your body, and your life. 

Symptoms of Anxiety

Each individual experiences anxiety in their own unique way. But there are some common experiences of anxiety, which may look like…

  • Worrying so much that it feels like your worries have taken over your brain

  • Feeling stressed about anything and everything

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Inability to relax

  • Panic attacks

  • Anger or having a “short fuse”

  • Difficulty feeling comfortable in certain situations, such as with friends, at work, driving, or running errands

  • Constantly feeling "on edge"

  • Feeling fidgety or restless

  • Experiencing physical symptoms, such as headaches, tension in different parts of your body, having an upset stomach, and even ulcers

  • Looming worries or fears that something bad is going to happen

How does anxiety show up?

Image of a woman standing in a crowd and covering her face with her hands. This image illustrates what someone having a panic attack may look like. If you struggle with panic attacks, reach out to an anxiety therapist to start counseling and get hel…

Anxiety often presents itself as untrue, unrealistic, or exaggerated thoughts. For example, many people who experience anxiety struggle with creating worst-case scenarios in their minds or feeling stressed about situations that have not happened yet. These unrelenting thoughts cause uncomfortable feelings.

Anxiety can also manifest itself as unrealistic expectations of yourself in social and professional settings and unhelpful thoughts about how other people are perceiving you. It can also create very specific fears, such as fear of driving, meeting new people, or going to new places.

Our Approach to Anxiety Treatment in Asheville, NC

In anxiety treatment, a therapist can help you learn to manage your anxiety. At our Asheville, NC-based therapy practice, we use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you examine unhelpful thoughts and change them into more helpful, positive, and realistic thoughts. Additionally, we use Mindfulness Therapy to help you learn to notice and accept unhelpful thoughts. This helps increase your ability to not act on harmful thoughts, in turn, putting the power back in your hands.

Another common treatment for anxiety is EMDR therapy. In fact, EMDR can be a highly effective tool in treating anxiety. When using EMDR for anxiety treatment, an anxiety therapist will help you develop calming and coping skills before you begin targeting specific anxiety-provoking situations and negative beliefs. This will help you dissipate the stress and worry that comes up when you imagine a specific situation, and reinforce a strong mental picture of you handling those situations with a sense of calm, confidence, and high self-esteem.

Begin Anxiety Treatment in Asheville, NC

Image of a woman hugging herself and looking peaceful. This image illustrates how one may feel after meeting with an anxiety therapist to learn about coping skills. Anxiety treatment in Asheville, NC can help you learn about managing stress and anxi…

Some stress is normal! In fact, we actually need it to survive. But you don't need to feel helpless, and you don't have to be at the mercy of your anxiety. You can come out of anxiety treatment feeling calm and confident. If you’re ready to take control of overwhelming stress and anxiety, schedule an appointment with a skilled anxiety therapist today.

At Chandler Nobles Counseling, our clinicians can offer both in-person sessions and online therapy in North Carolina for those seeking virtual sessions.

Other Therapy Services at Chandler Nobles Counseling

Here at our Asheville, NC-based counseling practice, we serve those experiencing the impacts of trauma and PTSD, compassion fatigue, depression, therapy for young adults, and more. Our therapists specialize in providing EMDR therapy for your mental health needs. If you have questions about our practice or getting started, please contact us or check out our blog!

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC. Providing online therapy in North Carolina.