Therapy For Women

Image of a woman sitting on a desk in an office with two male coworkers near her. This image illustrates the struggles that women encounter and can overcome with therapy for women in Asheville, NC. Working with a women’s therapist can help you proce…

Being a woman in the 21st century isn't easy. Women struggle with the weight of unrealistic expectations when it comes to parenting, work/personal life balance, appearance and demeanor in the workplace, beauty, what their body should look like, being a partner, being a friend - you name it! Despite the fact that it definitely is not 1950 anymore, women continue to be underpaid in the workforce, undervalued at home, and scrutinized by… well, pretty much every institution. In many instances, women are still held to the same standards from almost 100 years ago. FYI, those standards were not healthy or realistic for every woman at that time either.

Common Experiences Among Women

If you have found yourself struggling, you may have said things along these lines to yourself at some point or another…

  • "Maybe I'm just not good enough."

  • "I'm a terrible person/mother/partner/coworker/friend, etc."

  • "How am I supposed to balance all of this?"

  • “She can do it all, why can’t I? What’s wrong with me?”

  • “I just need to lose these last 10 pounds and I will feel so much better about myself.”

  • "Why did I agree to one more task/event/role?! I barely have time for what's already on my plate!"

Today, women face an unprecedented “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” epidemic that can feel like a soul-crushing steel cage. It can seem like no matter what you do, it is simply not enough. If you try to provide for your family by going to work full time, you are abandoning your partner and kids. But, if you stay home and take care of your children and the house, you are lazy and codependent on your partner.

Image of a woman sitting in a chair and looking deep in thought. This image represents the social pressure that women face that can be processed with a women’s therapist. Start therapy for women in Asheville, NC to get support. | 28732 | 28704

Then, if you dress up in heels and make-up every day, you’re trying too hard or you’re being too provocative. Oh, but if you wear your sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, you have “let yourself go” and don’t have pride in yourself. And, if you decide not to have children or get married, or to not do them in the traditional way, you’re weird or delusional. However, if you decide to get married and/or have children, and vent about either for a second, you’re ungrateful and shouldn’t have done either if you were just going to complain about it. Not to mention, if you don’t speak up for yourself, you’re a doormat and a pushover. But, if you do set boundaries, you’re an aggressive bitch.

I could quite literally go on… and on… and on…

The Constant Overhwlem WOmen Experience

When the weight of all these unrealistic expectations sits on your shoulders, it can feel and look like:

  • Being much more tired than usual

  • Getting easily irritated with yourself and others

  • Isolating yourself from the people and activities you love

  • A constant sense of being overwhelmed

  • Worrying about every little thing, even things that you do not actually have much control over, and worrying way too much about things that don’t deserve the time you’re giving them

  • Comparing yourself to other women and determining that you are coming up short

  • Having trouble sleeping

  • Like you're just going through the motions and not truly showing up and being present in your life

  • Constantly worrying about disappointing the people around you

  • Believing that everything has to be Instagram perfect in order to be worthy

  • Subsequently believing that nothing you do, say, wear, eat, drink, think, feel, etc., is perfect

How Can Therapy for Women Help?

As a woman myself, I can intimately understand all the struggles listed above. And as a therapist, I am passionate about helping women be the most authentic, badass, unapologetic versions of themselves! I enjoy helping women look forward to their day and be fully present and engaged in their lives. In therapy for women, you can achieve this by learning how to set and stick to boundaries, gaining the confidence to put yourself first (not just once in a while, but regularly!), and rediscovering your identity, or even creating a brand new self!

In sessions, we will identify and work through society’s harmful and unrealistic expectations for women. Then, we’ll come up with beliefs and standards that are right and healthy for YOU. We will look at the negative beliefs, past patterns, forced values, and unhelpful relationships that are holding you back. Through intentional work, I will help you come up with new positive beliefs, values, patterns, and relationships that make more sense for who you are and who you want to be.

There will always be things to do, places to go, and people to see. But that doesn't mean your life has to cause you to feel anxious and overwhelmed, and it doesn’t mean you have to blindly accept what the world offers you. If you're ready to put yourself first for once and discover your most authentic and unapologetic self, schedule an appointment today.

Image of a woman sitting up in bed and holding her arms above her head in a stretch. This image depicts the relief that women can find when they meet with a women’s therapist in Asheville, NC. If you are looking for support, check out therapy for wo…

BEGIN Therapy for women IN ASHEVILLE, NC

Whether you prefer to meet in person at our counseling practice in Asheville, NC, or from the comfort of home with online therapy in North Carolina, you can find healing and self-acceptance. I understand that being a woman in today’s society is hard. So, get connected with a women’s therapist and start talking with someone who understands what you are going through.

Together, we can find ways to help you start living your best life. Let’s work towards confidence in your choices and life path as a woman and celebrate all that you are. Schedule an appointment today to get started!


We offer a variety of treatment options for numerous mental health concerns. Chandler can help you with depression, anxiety, trauma and PTSD, compassion fatigue, and many other concerns or challenges you may face. Further, our therapists specialize in providing EMDR therapy. Not ready for therapy but interested in knowing more? Check out our blog to learn more about our therapy practice in Asheville, NC.

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC. Providing online therapy in North Carolina.