Therapy for Young Adults

“These are the best years of your life! You’re only young once! This is the easy part!”

Image of a young woman sitting in the sand a the beach with a hand held to her forehead. This image depicts the stress that young adults face before working with a young adult therapist in Asheville, NC. If you are struggling with entering adulthood…

Talk about loaded clichés, total invalidation, and loads of bullcrap. If you classify yourself as a young adult, you have probably heard one of these tired, lame phrases before. And, it was probably after you have tried to share how down you are feeling, how rough things are for you right now, and how overwhelming your “to-do” list is.

The transition from high school to college and college to the “real world” can be pretty daunting. It seems like overnight you have so many new responsibilities that maybe you weren’t prepared for. Whether you’re off to college or off to your “adult job,” you have a whole slew of new things to think about.

New Responsibilities of Young Adults

  • Navigating a new town or campus on your own.

  • Juggling a LOT. This includes taking care of yourself, your home, car, studies, work responsibilities, and budgeting. All of this is expected while also trying to make time for sleeping 8 hours a night, feeding yourself, making time for friends, dating, remembering which day is trash day, AND planning for retirement.

  • Managing expectations from your parents, professors, supervisors, and the rest of the world. They somehow seem to think that since you are an “adult” now, you’re supposed to magically have it all figured out overnight.

  • Figuring out who exactly you are and who you want to be in this big, crazy world.

Through it all, you may find yourself exploring different ways of living, different values and beliefs, and not to mention, different religious and political preferences. And, you may even be exploring different gender expressions than what you grew up with. Maybe as a kid, you couldn’t be who you knew you were on the inside. Or maybe that beautiful you has just been discovered! As fantastic as it is to find your most authentic self, it can still be daunting. Especially if you don’t feel supported by your family, friends, religion, and/or culture. This time of life can be so hard.

Other big life transitions can cause emotional discomfort as well. Life events such as getting married or having a child can be big changes to adjust to. Additionally, entering into a long-term relationship, moving away from your hometown, or changing jobs can make it hard to comfortably transition.

Symptoms of Life Transition Stress

A young man with his hands covering his face. This photo could represent a person ready to see a young adult therapist in Asheville, NC. Therapy for young adults can help you! | 28745 | 28786

Maybe you’ve felt much more worried, more easily stressed, or sadder lately. You may have noticed difficulty making decisions, hesitancy about your future, uncertainty about how to navigate professional and personal relationships, and trouble with “adulting” in general. It seems like everybody else got some sort of guidebook on how to grow up that gave them all the answers, and the universe forgot to send you a copy. 

Struggling during a major life transition can impact you in so many ways. Some of your thoughts and feelings may include:

  • Irritability

  • Increased stress

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Feeling unsure and worried about the future

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Wondering if you're prepared enough, or even good enough, to tackle what comes next

  • Feeling like everyone else has it together except for you

  • Trouble keeping your schedule and time organized in a way that feels healthy (i.e., you feel like you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off, you just can’t seem to stay on top of things)

How Can Therapy for Young Adults Help?

Major life transitions are going to come, whether we feel prepared or not. And if you are here, chances are you aren't feeling very prepared at all. Trust me, I’ve been there. In fact, everyone has, even though not everybody is willing to admit it. Not knowing what to do with your life can make you feel hopeless and can be a hurtful blow to your self-esteem and confidence. As a young adult therapist, I truly enjoy helping lost and uncertain young adults find their path again by exploring what YOU really want. Together, we can explore what your innate and achievable talents and skills are. And, I can help you regain and keep your confidence. 

Begin Therapy for Young Adults iN Asheville, NC

A woman in a yellow shirt standing outside with her arms spread, facing the sunshine. This photo could represent the refreshing feeling after therapy for young adults in Asheville, NC. If you are ready to reach your goals, see a young adult therapis…

In my work as a young adult therapist, I have helped others explore what’s holding them back as well as what’s driving them forward. Not sure about what’s driving you forward? No worries, I can help you find and explore that, too! In therapy for young adults at my Asheville, NC located counseling practice, we can tackle time management, setting healthy boundaries, creating and maintaining schedules and routines that work well for you, sleep hygiene, and body positivity. All to help you feel whole in who you are and what you’re doing with your life.

I am passionate about helping you feel calm and confident by teaching you coping and calming skills and working with you to identify and develop your strengths, your goals, and regain a zest and excitement for life. Ready to get started on your journey with a fresh outlook? Schedule an appointment today.


The team at our Asheville, NC-based therapy practice cares deeply about your mental health needs, so we offer a variety of treatment options. Our therapists focus on trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, depression, and compassion fatigue. Additionally, we can help with anxiety and therapy for women. Our therapists are trained in providing EMDR therapy and have found it to be very helpful in addressing mental health concerns. Contact us to get started or check out our blog to learn more about our practice!

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC. Providing online therapy in North Carolina.