Therapy for Therapists
(and Doctors, Nurses, CNA’s, EMT’s… basically if you’re working in healthcare, I got you)

“But… you’re a therapist! You shouldn’t get mad/sad/overwhelmed!”

“Oh please, being a nurse is easy! Nurses on TV/Instagram/Social media make it look so fun. Why are you complaining?”

“What do you mean you’re sick… you’re a doctor… shouldn’t you know how to take better care of yourself?”

Ever feel like the people around you are holding you to this impossible standard just because you’re a therapist, nurse, or doctor? Or maybe, you’re holding yourself to those unachievable standards? Ever catch yourself thinking, “I should know better,” “My patients are more important,” “I just have to get through this one shift and it’ll be fine,” or “I’m too busy to worry about taking care of myself?” Maybe you’ve forgotten, but you’re human, too! And after a long day of taking such amazing care of others, sometimes it’s like your brain just shuts off and forgets what to do to take care of YOU!

What is Compassion Fatigue?

Image of a nurse crouching on the floor holding her head while another nurse holds her and comforts her. This image represents what someone in search of compassion fatigue treatment in Asheville, NC may look like. Addressing compassion fatigue sympt…

Attending to the emotional, mental, medical, and physiological needs of others is your job! So, why does it feel so hard to extend that same compassion and grace to yourself? You may feel that the people you have been called to help deserve more of you and your efforts than you do. But, as you may be noticing, not taking care of yourself is starting to negatively impact your life. You're having trouble finding the energy to be present with your family and friends and the hobbies you used to love doing seem like they take too much energy to do nowadays. And maybe you aren't even taking care of your physical and medical health properly. 

As absolutely amazing as this calling is, let’s be honest here… Being in the medical or mental health field can take its toll on your own physical and mental health. Experiencing compassion fatigue does not mean that you are not meant to do this work. And it doesn’t mean that you are bad at your job. In fact, it means quite the opposite. You are so worn down because you care SO much. But, compassion fatigue wears you down past your stress threshold. When this happens, compassion fatigue makes it feel like you don't have a single ounce of care left in your body for other humans. And that's not who you are. Here are some common compassion fatigue symptoms that you may resonate with.

Compassion Fatigue Symptoms

Image of a woman sleeping woman wrapped in blankets. Meeting with a compassion fatigue therapist in Asheville, NC can help you work through compassion fatigue symptoms. Chandler has helped many healthcare workers in compassion fatigue treatment in A…
  • Low energy

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Dreading going to work

  • Literally counting down the hours until your day off

  • Not being able to do a single fun thing because all you can do is “catch up on sleep” or attend to mundane household chores and domestic tasks

  • Lacking the motivation or energy to do the things that you love

  • Feeling hopeless

  • Being much more easily frustrated than usual

  • Experiencing imposter syndrome (i.e., "I can't even take care of myself, why am I being trusted to help others?!")

  • Changes in appetite

  • Physical pain

  • New medical or physical problems… or the old ones getting worse!

How Can Compassion Fatigue Treatment Help?

You deserve to put the same care and energy into taking care of yourself as you do into taking care of others. When Chandler works with healthcare professionals and therapists, she starts first by exploring why you got into this field, to begin with. Then, you will focus on how you can take those same reasons and apply them to your own self-care.

Learning how to set boundaries with work and develop a routine and schedule that allows you to do the things that are important to you is an important part of this process. So is learning a little bit about mindfulness, the importance of rest, and some highly effective calming and reframing techniques. Through compassion fatigue treatment for medical and mental health professionals, you can learn how to look forward to your life again. And you’ll learn how to regain the balance you've been missing. 

As a therapist who has worked in mental health, medical, and community settings, Chandler understands the unique challenges that mental health and medical professionals face. She provides an understanding, compassionate, trauma-informed space for you to re-learn how to fill up your own tank. Caring for yourself as readily as you care for others is not impossible. You can learn to put yourself first and feel centered again.

Image of a woman on a nature walk holding her arms up toward the sky. This image illustrates the happiness that healthcare workers and therapists can find after going through compassion fatigue treatment in Asheville, NC. Meeting with a compassion f…

Begin Compassion Fatigue Treatment in Asheville, NC

You’re tired of being tired. It’s exhausting to try and be present for others when you can hardly be present for yourself. So, are you ready for some life-changing self-care? If the answer is yes, reach out to Chandler at her Asheville, NC-based counseling practice. To get started, schedule an appointment here.

Other Services at Chandler Nobles Counseling in Asheville, NC

As a skilled trauma therapist, Chandler specializes in helping women and young adults overcome hardship and make progress in their lives at her Asheville, NC area therapy practice. However, Chandler can meet with anybody in the state of North Carolina for counseling using online therapy. She is passionate about providing PTSD treatment, including EMDR therapy, as well as anxiety treatment, and depression treatment to help her clients reconnect with themselves and grow in profound ways.

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC. Providing online therapy in North Carolina.