Online Therapy in North Carolina

In case y’all haven’t noticed… we’ve been doing a LOT of our lives online in the last couple years. And TBH, I think virtual is here to stay in a lot of ways. This includes school, work, entertainment, socializing, and even our therapy and medical appointments. Aspects of daily living that we were used to leaving our houses for were relegated to the virtual world. And, a lot of us have realized that taking some things online has some pretty amazing benefits!

What are the benefits of online therapy?

Image of a woman sitting on a couch and using a laptop for a meeting. This image depicts what someone using online therapy in North Carolina may look like. Meeting with an online therapist in Asheville, NC can be your key to mental wellness! | 28732…

Reduced travel hassles and costs

Do you love getting stuck in rush hour traffic? Is circling for a close parking spot your absolute fav? If so, online therapy may not be for you. But, if you’re short on time and have 50 million things on your plate, not spending the extra time driving to and from your therapy appointment may just mean you have time for… dare I say it… a meal? A coffee? A mindful moment to meditate? Shocking, I know.

Increased consistency

Coming to therapy can be difficult for anyone. Not only are there those pesky logistical concerns, but therapy in and of itself is by nature challenging. Removing some of those barriers can lead to increased consistency. This means that it is easier for you to show up for yourself, which leads to improvements in your symptoms, mood, and it gets you to closer to achieving what it is you came to therapy for in the first place.


Can’t get away from work because they scheduled meetings at the most inconvenient times? Can’t leave the house because the plumber is supposed to come sometime between 8am and 5pm? Life just got ahold of you and turned your once calm day into a 3 ring circus? No problem. As long as you are in the state your therapist is licensed in (that’s North Carolina for me, y’all!), are in a safe and quiet place, and have a clear internet connection, we can still have our session.

Image of a woman sitting on a couch wearing PJs and waving at her tablet as if in a video meeting. This photo represents how simple meeting with an online therapist in North Carolina is. If you have questions about online therapy in North Carolina, …


Heyyyyy, sweatpants all day! No, but seriously, you can wear your PJs to our virtual sessions (*being fully clothed is necessary). You can even sit on the couch cuddling your favorite fur baby while we work together on your healing journey. It’s not only the creature comforts I mean though. Going to see a therapist can feel overwhelming, especially when you are building a therapeutic relationship with them. Being able to see your therapist from the familiarity of your home can decrease a lot of that initial overwhelm.


Virtual therapy is no more, and no less, effective than traditional therapy - it is JUST as effective. The most important aspect of therapy is that you feel comfortable with and trusting of your therapist. At first thought, it doesn’t seem like any of us would be able to form a truly supportive and helpful relationship via video call, but I’ve had numerous new clients since March of last year that I’ve started with virtually and will remain virtual. With each person I meet with, we have an open and frank conversation about how to make the online therapy process comfortable and effective for YOU - because every person is different.


One of the common barriers to someone entering therapy is the stigma or stereotype of it. While therapy has become more normalized in our society over the past few years (yay!!!), it can still be scary to think of your friends, family, neighbors, or colleagues knowing you’re going to therapy. You may not want to be seen entering a therapist’s office, especially if therapy isn’t seen as acceptable in your group or culture. Seeing an online therapist can reduce these fears and help you feel safe enough to explore your goals!

More choices

Limiting your search for a therapist to your geographical location can also limit your choices. You may live in a small town that doesn’t really have a lot of therapists, and the next closest therapist is 30+ miles away. The therapists who specialize in the type of therapy or presenting issue you are facing may not have a fee you can afford or an approach you feel comfortable with. Maybe you are in the mental or medical healthcare field yourself and you already know all the therapists in your area. Online therapy in North Carolina allows you to greatly expand your search so that you can focus on finding a therapist who truly understands you, not just one who’s closest to you.

But, I want to meet with my therapist in person sometimes, too!

I totally get that, respect that, and depending on where you live and/or how far you are comfortable traveling, I can do that. If you’re local to the Asheville, NC area, just let me know that you’d rather do in person and we can get that set up! I have a small, cozy little office close to downtown Asheville… but with FREE OFF-STREET PARKING! (And nobody had to sell their soul to get it either, so that’s a bonus…)

One of the benefits of your local therapist also conducting online therapy is that you can meet with them in both formats! Even if we usually meet in person, you will have the option of meeting virtually if the babysitter canceled, the work meeting ran a little late, the weather is nasty, you’re sick with something contagious, etc.

Get Started with Online Therapy in North Carolina

Image of a young woman sitting on a couch with a cat and using a laptop. This image depicts how convenient online therapy in North Carolina can be for those searching “online therapist” in Asheville, NC. 28732 | 28704

My Asheville, NC-based counseling practice offers an array of services to meet your needs, be it in person or virtually. As a specialized trauma therapist, I am trained in EMDR and provide trauma therapy and PTSD treatment. I also help those in the helping professions with compassion fatigue treatment.

So you’re ready to get started? Great! Go ahead and schedule an appointment. Or, if you’re not quite sure about online therapy, I wholeheartedly encourage you to schedule a free 15-minute consultation by calling me at (910) 707-3933. I am so excited for the chance to get to know you and assist you here at my Asheville, NC-located practice.

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Local to Asheville, NC.
Providing online therapy in North Carolina.