Depression Treatment

Experiencing sadness during your life is unavoidable and something everyone goes through. However, when this sadness continues and keeps you from living your normal life, it may be depression. Sometimes depression starts with feeling sad over a normal event, such as the loss of a loved one, a break-up, a move, a medical diagnosis, etc. Other times, depression can feel like it comes out of the blue and does not have a cause. It can also be a normal response to feeling burned out and stretched too thin (talking to you over there, multi-taskers!).

A woman leaning her head against the window with her eyes closed. This photo represents a woman experiencing symptoms of depression and looking for depression treatment in Asheville, NC. A depression therapist can help you overcome looming thoughts …

Symptoms of depression can look so different from person to person. In fact, depression may not even necessarily feel like sadness. For example, have you ever felt like you had zero energy, no desire to do much of anything, or had less fun doing things you enjoy without really knowing why? Maybe you have felt like there is just not much to look forward to in your daily life or in your future.

What does depression look and feel like?

Depression symptoms vary from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms you can look for…

  • Trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much

  • Changes in appetite (such as not wanting to eat much of anything anymore or always finding yourself hungry and eating without any other explanation)

  • Decreased energy

  • Not enjoying things you used to enjoy

  • Feelings of hopelessness

  • Feeling like you are a failure or a disappointment

  • Difficulty completing daily living tasks such as bathing, grooming, cooking, cleaning, etc

  • Experiencing suicidal thoughts

  • Noticing physical discomfort (such as frequent stomachaches, physical aches and pains, and headaches)

How Can Depression treatment in Asheville, NC Help?

Depression can make you believe that you are worthless or unloved. It can convince you that you cannot or do not want to do things you used to enjoy. It tells you people are better off without you. Depression convinces you that you just. Are. Not. Good. Enough. Depression is a big liar, but goodness gracious those thoughts feel so true sometimes, right?

In treatment for depression, a depression therapist can help you recognize and change these thoughts and behaviors in a few different ways. We may use eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or Mindfulness Therapy in your depression treatment to help you overcome your depression.

Our therapists are trained in EMDR therapy for depression. Through this method, a depression therapist will work with you to explore what negative thoughts about yourself are fueling your depression. In EMDR, you will work to target the memories and root causes of negative beliefs. Then, you’ll replace them with more positive ones. In doing this, you are able to go about your day without the burden that negative beliefs previously caused.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another option for depression treatment. CBT is a type of therapy meant to help you change your negative and untrue thoughts into more positive and realistic thoughts. This in turn changes how you feel about yourself and your situation.

A woman sitting on a yoga mat with her hands together and her eyes closed. This photo represents a person using skills learned in counseling sessions to treat depression in Asheville, NC when meeting with a depression therapist. | 28745 | 28786

Mindfulness Therapy is an additional option your depression therapist may discuss with you. In this type of depression treatment, you will focus on your thoughts in the current moment and work on really connecting with your emotions. If we decide Mindfulness Therapy is a good fit for you, you will learn how to simply notice some of these thoughts rather than buying into them. This will give you confidence in yourself and an increased sense of control over your thoughts and emotions.


Whether you feel more comfortable with online therapy in North Carolina or prefer to meet in person at our Asheville, NC-based counseling practice, we are excited to work with you! With a range of approaches, a depression therapist will help you examine the areas of your life that depression has made difficult.

Photo of a woman and her child sitting on a bench enjoying a warm drink. This photo represents the joy a person can feel after seeking depression treatment with a depression therapist in Asheville, NC. 28803 | 28804

Together, we will find ways for you to start doing the things you enjoy again. 
Feeling worthy and believing you are capable, confident and loved, is possible. You do NOT have to go through life feeling hopeless, unfulfilled, or unworthy. Schedule an appointment today to get started on your path to healing. 


At our Asheville, NC-based therapy practice, we offer a variety of treatment options for numerous mental health concerns. Our therapists focus on trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, compassion fatigue, anxiety, therapy for young adults, therapy for women, and more. Specifically, our therapists specialize in providing EMDR therapy. Interested in knowing more? Check out our blog or contact us to get started today!

Chandler Nobles Counseling
(828) 214-5185
Located in Asheville, NC. Online therapy available in all of North Carolina.